New thing a day keeps dullness away!

Sri Gayathri
3 min readFeb 11, 2022


I am sitting on my couch, watching TV, having my absolute leisure as I am on a break in my career now. My company’s expansion is in pace and I am just chilling in the meanwhile and this thought crossed my mind.

We often get so caught up in our daily routine that we forget and almost take for granted the benefit of learning new things daily. Just question yourself, “what’s the new thing that I have learnt today?” or “ what’s the new thing that I did today?”and the answer would be a definite “Nothing".

I got the same answer and I wanted to change it “NOW". Yes, not tomorrow, not the day after but “NOW". I opened my laptop and registered myself for a new free course related to writing. It felt so fresh. Yes, it really did. Starting a new thing and learning a new thing helps our minds to get rid of the same old dust that got accumulated within them. All of us have that same 24 hours. Set aside the sleep time of 8 hours, office hours another 8 hours, and of course daily chores 2 hours. What are we doing the rest of the time? Okay, set aside these shitty calculations. How about learning or starting a new thing for just half an hour a day? How does that sound? Be it anything.

Okay, lemme help you. Jot down all your favorite things that you always wanted to do. I guarantee you at least 3. List them all. If you have more than three, its great. Now, jot down all the things that you “can" do. Let them be another 3. After writing them down, now take a note of all the other 3 skills that you do not like to do. You have got a list of 9things that you can do on a daily basis. If you take my list, I have noted down the things I liked the most as in
Things that I like

Things that I can do or learn

As of now, this is the list. I am still figuring out the things that I don’t like to do.

Spending life this way helps a lot as it builds confidence in you and helps you evolve on a daily basis. The brain acts sharply and it stays afresh everyday. The drowsy feeling and the feeling of “urgh, another routine day” feeling slowly gets diminished if we follow this.So, start your day with a new thing or end your day with a new thing. Set your “ME Time" that’s exclusively for you and give this a try. And remember “Me Time" is very important else life flies in the blink of an eye without us being conscious about it.

See you again with “Me Time!”



Sri Gayathri
Sri Gayathri

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