Time is flying. It’s already October in 5 days. By the end of this year, I can say that I have got a stable job, and income. But is it what we actually need? Yes, money is essential. But are we pressing that pause button in our lives? Are we aware of the fact that our parents are growing old and our time with them is getting decreased? What about our favorite childhood places and friends that we cherish? Are we making time for them? Are we going on trips with them and having THE REAL GOOD TIMES with the people close to us?
I guess no. We are going with the flow and all our precious things are getting missed out day by day. I don’t blame it on anyone as our generation has become that fast paced. We wake up go for the gym, do our job and rest. Ofcourse with a few weekend trips. It is good. No doubt. But just look around and go back in time where time is so slow, days are so long and we used to enjoy and “be there" in every moment. That is what is missing today and I think that is what we need to recreate. Keep the phone aside, meet people in person, have trips in trains, read books, TALK to people, stay away from gadgets. If you observe that is how we spent our childhood and that is why we want it back. Let’s bring back those old golden days by being that way. And always remember to be closer to your parents or atleast meet them in person and have short and wonder trips with them. Because Time is ticking!! And before u know this u might miss some of the most beautiful things of life!